I have wanted to paint ever since my school days but foolishly passed up the chance to follow my dream when I visited the Art College and found everyone sporting long hair and strange clothes. Having little confidence in myself and a fairly sheltered upbringing, I found this rather daunting and opted for secretarial college instead, a decision I have always regretted.
Two and a half years ago, with my family all grown and having recently lost both my parents, a dear friend of mine encouraged me to join the Studio Woolavington Art Group. I was extremely nervous at first, as I had done nothing with my art for many years but I found I was immediately welcomed into the group and have received tremendous support and friendship ever since. Out wonderful teacher, Angela, has nurtured both my art and my confidence so that I am beginning to feel happy with the work I am producing and gain immense pleasure in being part of this amazing group of people.
At last I am beginning to realise my dream.....
